“Barbara Haas is a wonderful teacher who shines her radiant light in every group she is in. She brings beauty, inspiration, and love to all who are in her presence. I love her sense of humor and the clarity of her teachings. She has many gifts to bring to all who she works with.”
– Sandra Ingerman
“I would recommend a journey to anyone. It is really life changing. I’m going to nursing school now because of the messages I received. The information I got for myself and received from others correlated so much I couldn’t help but take notice.”
– Jessica, age 30
“I talk to my mom everyday and her words make me feel better. When I talk to my Power Animal I get advice that I understand, like it makes sense on the inside of my body. My mom needs to get her own Power Animal because she keeps asking me to get answers for her from my Power Animal.”
– Sam, age 10
“Barb reconnected me with a doll baby that I lost in a car accident when I was a child. It’s strange, because I feel like I’m whole again. It doesn’t make logical sense, but feels so right.”
– Polly, age 55
“I received messages from two people in our monthly journeying group that were similar to my own journey, so I went home and searched the internet. I am using the information to plan the next step on my path.”
– Priscilla, age 40
“In the shamanic journey session with Barbara yesterday I was given messages from Spirit. It was the first time in my life I have ever felt so loved and supported. These simple words do not begin to describe the transcendence of my human experience.”
– Rossi, age 60
“Barbara’s clarity, loving kindness and peaceful soul combine to guide you to meet and know your spirit friends. You can’t buy peace of mind like this any other way! Journeying with Barbara gave me closure on the unanswered questions and fears from my childhood and about my ancestry. I felt as if I was actually talking to my long-lost grandmother and other beloved family who have passed on. I felt as if I was having that heart-to-heart talk that we never got to have. Even the energies and (unknown) spirits that influence me every day now feel like best friends. They have a name. We work well together. I’m so grateful to Barbara for her mastery of Journeying.”
– Dede , age 59